Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Hi guys, on this occasion I will talk and share about Mysql. Mysql is a software SQL-based management system, database management (DBMS Database). Mysql
can also be implemented of relational database
management system (RDMS) which distributed under GPL license.
itself is a concept, a database for the select, manipulation, data
input, which easily and also includes a programming language. In here we can make a tabel. Making the table can be done using SQL syntax or with the application (such as PHPMyAdmin). Frequently used the applications is PhpmyAdmin.
adalah sebuah aplikasi/perangkat lunak bebas (opensource) yang ditulis
dalam bahasa pemrograman PHP yang digunakan untuk menangani administrasi
database MySQL melalui jaringan lokal maupun internet. phpMyAdmin
mendukung berbagai operasi MySQL, diantaranya (mengelola basis data,
tabel-tabel, bidang (fields), relasi (relations), indeks, pengguna
(users), perijinan (permissions), dan lain-lain). - See more at:
phpMyAdmin is an application / free software (open
source) that is written in the PHP programming language that used to
handle the administration of MySQL database over a local network or the
Internet. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operating
Mysql, including (managing databases in the form of tables, fields, relations, index, users, permissions, and others).
The authors suggest a more simple way to use and install XAMPP . Xampp is an application that contain web server, php mysql. For the installation process also very easy. If xampp already running, then just install Apache, MySQL, Filezilla.
In the image above, the first module is not installed, To install modules in XAMPP (such as Apache, Mysql and FileZilla) then simply activate it's service module. And action press 'start'.
adalah sebuah aplikasi/perangkat lunak bebas (opensource) yang ditulis
dalam bahasa pemrograman PHP yang digunakan untuk menangani administrasi
database MySQL melalui jaringan lokal maupun internet. phpMyAdmin
mendukung berbagai operasi MySQL, diantaranya (mengelola basis data,
tabel-tabel, bidang (fields), relasi (relations), indeks, pengguna
(users), perijinan (permissions), dan lain-lain). - See more at:
adalah sebuah aplikasi/perangkat lunak bebas (opensource) yang ditulis
dalam bahasa pemrograman PHP yang digunakan untuk menangani administrasi
database MySQL melalui jaringan lokal maupun internet. phpMyAdmin
mendukung berbagai operasi MySQL, diantaranya (mengelola basis data,
tabel-tabel, bidang (fields), relasi (relations), indeks, pengguna
(users), perijinan (permissions), dan lain-lain). - See more at:
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